Six Pack

From Mike Chang
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
Your Six Pack Abs Coach

Hey man,

In this letter I want to tell you about the system that I've used to get into great shape, and which has worked for many other guys as well. But first, I want to ask you a few important questions. Please answer them to yourself, as honestly as you possibly can.

  • Have you ever felt hesitant or slightly embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach or pool? Even though you’re not “fat” or “obese” you ever wish you had tastefully muscular abs that you’d be proud to show?

  • Have you ever done tons of crunches and sit-ups...only to be discouraged by how little visible difference they made in your abs?

  • Have you tried everything to lose that stubborn belly fat, but haven’t found something that’s worked for you?

  • Do you ever get frustrated by the contradictory and sometimes flat-out wrong fitness information out there on the internet? Do you ever get confused by this information overload – and you don’t know where to begin getting abs?

  • Or like many of my other clients, do you have a firm grasp on how to gain muscle on the rest of your body...but getting six pack abs has STILL eluded you?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. These were the biggest frustrations that I had myself when trying to get abs. And if you want to know the solution for getting six pack abs that worked for me and many other guys, this may be the most important letter you’ve ever read.


As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Six Pack Shortcuts. Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Six Pack Shortcuts is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Six Pack Shortcuts (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury.

Mike offers a 100% money-back guarantee -- you can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with the results. However, Mike cannot guarantee your results with Six Pack Shortcuts. It is possible that you will not lose fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose ab definition.

Mike's story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation.

Mike is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

Please see our full legal disclaimer for more information on typical results, risks, and our full testimonials disclaimer:

Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks

How I Finally Got Six Pack Abs...
After YEARS Of Failure And Frustration

Most people assume that I always had six pack abs – that I was just born this way.

But the truth is, just six years ago I was downright fat.

In fact, here's what I used to look like -- compared to what I look like now:
Mike's before and after
Of course, what made it even worse was seeing how women got visibly turned off when they saw my soft, pudgy body. And how they got turned

I always seemed to be chubby “nice guy friend,” who could never get

And the snide looks and remarks I’d get from my male friends about my “gut” didn’t help too much either...

One day, I just got fed up with not liking my body. And I decided that I was going to get six pack abs – no matter what.

Years later, I’d look back on this as the single best decision I’d ever made in my life.

So I bought some of the most popular books and courses on ab exercises, and diets. I followed them religiously for YEARS...but I was frustrated because I was seeing virtually NO RESULTS in my abs. Here are just a few of the things I tried attempting to get abs...

  • This is embarrassing for me to admit, but the first product I bought trying to get abs was an “Ab Rocker” gizmo that I saw advertised on a late-night informercial. I used it daily for months, but in the end gave it up because it produced zero visible difference in my abs

  • I bought endless supplements that promised they’d “burn body fat” and “pack muscle on my body.” Although these didn’t help me burn any fat, they were successful at burning all the cash out of my wallet.

  • Endless books and courses on how to get abs. Some of the information in these was actually good, and helped me out. But it also led to “information overload”... there were so many contradictory theories on how to get abs out there, I got confused and didn’t know where to begin.

It was incredibly frustrating, and I almost gave up many times.

But things finally started to look up for me when...

I Found A Fitness Mentor Who Showed Me Exactly How To Get A Toned, Muscular Body Complete With Six Pack Abs

When I was my lowest point, almost ready to quit...I met my friend Zach. Zach had the type of physique that turned heads wherever he went –and an incredible set of six pack abs.

But the funny thing about Zach was that he actually worked out LESS than me. Of course his workouts were intense, and designed very carefully...but he wasn't spending hours upon hours in the gym like me. Not only this, but he was nowhere near as restrictive on his

Of course he would eat healthy generally, and wouldn’t binge on junk food. But he’d also enjoy food in ways I didn’t dare to – he’d drink beer on weekends, would eat dessert if he wanted to, and generally didn’t seem to stress about his diet too much.

So of course I had to ask him...what was his secret? Why was he in so much better shape than me, when I was working so much harder than him?

I told him about the diet I was following and all the different crunches and ab exercises I was doing. And to my surprise...

He Told Me I Was Wasting My Time!

Here are just a few of the things he told me I was doing wrong...
  • Doing too many crunches and sit-ups (he explained why these popular exercises were exercises were extremely ineffective, and the much more effective type of exercise I should be doing instead.)

  • Taking the wrong approach to dieting (he showed me that a much better way was to use certain techniques to accelerate your metabolism. I actually didn’t even know this was possible...but he showed me an easy and research-proven way to do it. He told me this was why he could eat much more than I did, and still stay very lean).

  • Doing CARDIO (This was really surprising to me...but Zach explained how cardio is actually an extremely ineffective way to lose fat. He showed me exercises that were much better for fat loss, and explained how when you combined these with his metabolic accleration techniques, the results would be fast and dramatic)
And that was just the beginning. The conversation I had with him really blew my mind, and caused me to drastically change my approach to ab training.

So I started training in Zach’s style. I stopped doing crunches and cardio, and I started doing the exercises he recommended. And once I started down the right path, I also made a few more key discoveries on my own.

Now keep in mind, I’d been training for YEARS before this, with virtually nothing to show for it. But once I started using Zach's method for getting six pack abs...

I Got In Great Shape Faster
Than I Thought Was Possible!

How to get six pack abs -- ab workout, ab exercise, bodybuilding.
I couldn’t believe how fast the progress was, once I stopped being a

And let me tell you....the first time I saw real, hard ab muscle on my stomach after years of seeing nothing but flab was one of the best moments of my life.

And of course, what Zach showed me wasn't a "magic pill." It was a new style of training that was far more effective than that standard regimen I was following -- and a new nutrition system that made healthy eating much easier. And although I still needed to work to get abs using his system -- the results came FAR faster and easier than they came before.

And here are a few ways that my life changed after getting six pack abs....

  • Women who wouldn’t give me the time of day before suddenly started giving me much more attention. It used to be incredibly difficult for me to attract a woman before...but with my new body, it became easy for me to spark instant and powerful attraction with the girls I’d always wanted.

  • Guys who’d never taken me seriously suddenly started giving me much more respect. A few guys even seemed slightly intimidated by me, and it seemed much more natural for me to be the leader in any group of guys.

  • And overall, I just felt much better about myself. I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment, because I’d achieved the body that all men want, but which so few know how to get.
And again, I don't mean to say that all the problems in my life were instantly solved once I got a great body -- because they weren't. But I will say that life becomes a whole lot easier when you've got the body all the girls want, and all the guys want to have.

And I wasn’t torturing myself to get these results either. I was just doing quick 30 minute workouts 4 days a week, and eating healthy (but great-tasting) food.

It was absolutely incredible. And I knew I wanted to help other guys achieve the same results. So I did something crazy...

I Quit My Office Job, And Became
A Personal Trainer!

Over the next few years I trained hundreds of clients. At first, I started training anyone and everyone, just like any other personal trainer...

But I soon became best known for my system for getting guys six pack abs. I was soon getting many clients referred to me, asking specifically to learn my six pack abs system.

Soon, this became my specialty. My clients started referring to me as their “six pack abs coach” – the guy they went to get abs when everyone else had failed them.

And over the years, I kept refining the system, until eventually it made what I was doing originally seem primitive by comparison. After years of seeing what worked and what didn't in my own body, and with my clients, I had finally cracked the code to getting six pack abs.

Eventually, one of my clients started telling me that I should put out a video course teaching my six pack abs system. It wasn’t right, they told me, that only people who lived in my city would be able to learn these techniques. ANY guy who wanted to learn how to get six pack abs should have access to this information, and shouldn’t have to waste years of time before finally discovering what works.

At first, I didn’t want to do it. But after a lot of wrangling and arm-twisting from my top clients, I finally agreed to make the course.

But I didn’t want it to be just any ab training course. I wanted it to be the best – the one that showed exactly how to use all of the “shortcuts” to getting six pack abs that I’d been teaching my clients, in a simple and easy to learn way that any guy could follow.

And this is how Six Pack Shortcuts was born.

Six Pack Shortcuts is a series of online videos that show you how to burn belly fat and get six pack abs. It’s the same system that I’ve taught to my live training clients for years – only it’s available to you instantly, and at a fraction of the cost.

Listen To What Real Clients Have To Say
About Six Pack Shortcuts:

Daniel Rose testimonial
“Mike, I just want to tell you that this is one of the most effective systems for getting abs that I’ve ever tried. I’m sending you a picture of what I used to look like before I started on Six Pack Shortcuts, and what I look like now.

I was actually just about to give up, when I heard about Six Pack Shortcuts. I gave the program a try, and you can see the results I got just a few months later.

And the most exciting part for me was, I finally saw my abs for the first time in my life.

You’re a really good trainer man, and thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”

Dan Rose, 25, Boston MA

Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks

michael bui testimonial "My biggest problem area on my body was my gut...I bought all kinds of abs machines I saw on the infomercials but none of them delivered what they promised. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t have ab muscles; it was the thick layer of fat that was covering them. I saw the Six-Pack Shortcuts online one day and decided to give it a shot. I was very skeptical at first, but after just 1 week I begin to see a difference. At the end of the program I was very satisfied with the way my abs looked, and I decided to compete

On the day of my show, my ab definition was excellent, as you can see in the picture above. I did very well in the competition, and I partly credit this to the look my abs had in the picture above."

Michael B, 28, Houston TX

Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks
sina "I had been working out the past 3 years and was never able to get my abs defined.  I tried different diets, fat burners, and did tons

I was browsing online one day and came across Mike's six pack site and told myself "what the hell, I tried everything else I could think of" Well, pictures don't lie -- you can see what my body and my abs looked like at the end of the program. I got to be honest, I feel great with my shirt off these days!"

Sina W, 31, Albany NY

Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks
ERIC "Back in high school I was in great shape, played football and stayed very active and a flat stomach. I was confident, I looked great in clothes, and was never  

Just like everybody else, those were my best years as far as the way my physique looked.  As time went by, I felt to busy to exercise and my waistline expanded.  Every year, my gut got a little bigger. 

Thanks to Six Pack Shortcuts and to you Mike, I’m back down to football playing shape. One of my main goals with the program was to reduce my waistline and to see ab definition. You can see how my abs looked at the end of the program from the picture, and I was very satisfied with the reduction in my waistline as well.
Thanks again Mike."

Eric G, 24, San Francisco CA

Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks

"Six Pack Shortcuts is the core of my exercise routine to keep me in shape on and off the camera. The workouts and techniques are very effective.

I find it hard to find time to workout between my busy schedule. Six Pack Shortcuts is simple to follow and the workouts only take 30 minutes a day.

If you're looking for a fast way to get in shape that also fits into a busy lifestyle, Six Pack Shortcuts is the way to go."

Joey L, 34, San Diego CA

Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks

How Is Six Pack Shortcuts Different From Everything Else Out There?

One thing you should know -- this program is EXTREMELY different than most fitness and diet programs. Here are the most important differences:

  • Six Pack Shortcuts was personally designed by me. I'm an ISSA certified personal trainer, with years of experience training clients in the real world. And as you've seen in my pictures, I've also managed to achieve a great physique and six pack abs myself -- unlike many other people selling exercise courses.

  • Most fitness programs give you dozens of different habits and changes in your lifestyle, which you’re expected to make all at the same time. Six Pack Shortcuts, on the other hand, gives you just TWO or THREE key habits to learn in each phase of the program. What does that mean for you? Less confusion, an easier time implementing what you learn, and ultimately increased chances of success with the program.

  • Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of entertaining, yet informative online videos. You can download the videos permanently to your computer, or stream them online from anywhere in the world. This means no slogging through 300 pages of boring text or hours of lecture. It also means that you’ll get access to the videos INSTANTLY – no waiting around for weeks for something to get shipped to you.

  • Six Pack Shortcuts teaches you everything you need to know about both exercise and nutrition for getting six pack abs. It's a complete guide to getting abs -- you won't have to buy anything else.

  • And most importantly: Six Pack Shortcuts includes unlimited email support from me personally, and unlimited phone support from certified personal trainers on my team. Most fitness products just give you a bunch of information, and you're left on your own as to exactly how to apply it. I give you the information and knowledge you need, AND I mentor and support you every step of the way.

Here are some of the specifics that you’ll be learning in the program...

Here's What You'll Be Getting When You Sign Up For Six Pack Shortcuts

  • 27 of my BEST workouts -- I've specially designed 27 workouts which I've found to be the best for getting my clients in shape fast. These workouts are short (only 20-30 minutes each), but very INTENSE. Many clients have told me that after the very first workout, they knew that these were the most effective exercises they'd ever done in their life.

    You'll get a workout quick-start guide, which includes all the exercises you need for the program. You can take this to the gym with you, and use it to track your progress with the program.

  • Killer bodyweight exercises and high-intensity cardio -- I've also included 31 different bodyweight exercises in the program, which can be done at home with no equipment. Some of these bodyweight exercises are EXCELLENT for building muscle mass and strength (even better than exercises requiring complex gym equipment!) But the reason why I use most of these exercises is for rapid fat loss, and to build athleticism and functional strength.

    This is because I don't want your body to be "just for show." I want you to be functionally athletic as well -- not just good-looking. These bodyweight exercises will help you to develop better sports performance, or to just be stronger and have more endurance when doing everyday tasks. I've also found that women really appreciate functional strength as well!

  • 17 awesome ab exercises to define your core. As I mentioned before, there is more to getting abs than just doing ab exercises. You'll need to lose your belly fat before your ab muscle will be visible. But once you have lost this fat using the total body exercises in my program, my arsenal of 17 direct ab exercises will really help you define your core.

    I've personally found these exercises to be much more effective than standard crunches and sit-ups. And, I've also found them to be much safer, because they don't place as much strain on your neck and lower back.

  • Advanced muscle building and fat loss theory -- You'll learn the PRINCIPLES behind muscle building and fat loss, not just be given a bunch of workouts. This will allow you to intelligently customize the program to your own unique needs, lifestyle and desired physique. You'll also be able to avoid many of the common mistakes that guys make when trying to get in shape, so you'll save a lot of time and wasted effort in the gym.

  • And most importantly -- unlimited email support from me personally, and unlimited phone support from certified personal trainers on my team. I feel that this is one of the MOST important factors that sets Six Pack Shortcuts apart from all other exercise and nutrition programs.

    Of course, I feel that the information in the course is the best out there. But I'll be honest with you -- for the average person, your chances of success are MINIMAL with information and knowledge alone, even if the knowledge is top-notch. The reason for this is that it's very hard to stick with a program if you have no one to support, mentor and coach you.

    With Six Pack Shortcuts, I'll be by your side every step of the way. I'll personally answer any questions that you have about the program through email. I'll even work with you to customize the workouts to your individual body type and goals. And if you'd like to talk to someone on the phone, the program also includes unlimited phone coaching from certified personal trainers on my team. They'll coach you and work to keep you on track with the program to give you the maximum chance of success.
As I mentioned before, Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of online videos on my private members-only site. You'll be given a username and password immediately after you order, and you'll be able to login INSTANTLY to start watching the videos.

All the videos can be either streamed or downloaded permanently to your computer.
This means that you can watch the videos from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You can also download them all to your hard drive, so you can watch them even when you're not connected. The videos are downloadable in .mp4 format, which means that they'll play on any computer with a standard media player.

You can also download the videos to your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android or pretty much any other mobile device. The videos are compatible with these devices, so they'll be no problem playing them. This means you can bring the videos with you to the gym, and do the workouts along with me. Many of my clients follow the program with a mobile device this way, and they tell me it's great to have videos showing them exactly what to do right there at the gym.

I've also invested in top-of-the-line hosting services for these videos. This means that the site will be very reliable for you, and the videos will stream and download FAST.

The program is designed to get you started FAST, without having to learn a bunch of theory.
You can get started doing the first workout within 30 minutes. This is because I believe it's critcial to take action right away if you want to get in great shape.

But it's also designed to be very in-depth and to give you a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of exericse and nutrition. The core program includes over 11 hours of professionally produced, high definition video footage featuring me and other certified personal trainers on my team.


And You’ll Also Get Two Bonuses – FREE With Your Purchase!

In just Six Pack Shortcuts  alone, you’ll be getting thousands of dollars worth of video training. It’s far more detailed and in-depth than any other product on how to get abs.

But to really make it a no brainer for you, I also want to give you two incredibly valuable bonuses, included free with your purchase. These will complement what you’ll learn in Six Pack Shortcuts, and really take your physique to the next level.

These aren't the usual cheesy three page report "bonuses" you usually get with fitness products. These are complete products that I sell independently for $67-$149 to my live training clients. And you'll get them free with your purchase.
  • First, you'll be getting the Zero Willpower Eating System. This is my complete nutrition system that shows you everything you need to know about nutrition and eating to get into great shape. The goal of the system is to make healthy eating SIMPLE, and to make it require as little willpower as possible.

    The program contains over 6 hours of professionally produced, high definition footage. I show you exactly how you'll need to eat to get into shape, and give you a few simple rules to follow with your nutrition. And it's not just theory -- I actually take you into the kitchen, and SHOW you how to prepare great-tasting, healthy food.

    The reason why this system works so well for me, and for many of my clients is that it's very CHEAP, and very CONVENIENT. You won't have to buy any expensive health foods, and the foods I recommend in the system are very inexpensive. Most of my clients find they save over $100/month on food, just by following the system. And I also show you hwo to prepare a WEEK'S worth of healhy food, in under 90 minutes. This way, you'll always have a nutritious and tasty meal ready to go whenever you're hungry, and you'll just have to heat it up in the microwave.

  • I'm also going to include a 30 day free trial to my 24 Week Advanced Fitness Coaching Program. Every week, you'll get a new video showing you high-level exercise and nutrition strategies used by pro fitness models and athletes.

    Many of these strategies are not suitable for beginners, but once you've gone through the Six Pack Shortcuts program you'll be ready for these advanced workout techniques. I show you advanced power lifting exercises that build muscle fast -- these are INTENSE, and definitely not for the faint of heart. I also show you the nutrition strategies that fitness models use to lose fat fast. Again, these techniques are NOT recommended for beginners who have not yet been through the Six Pack Shortcuts program. But once you have, the Advanced Fitness Coaching videos will really help you take your physique to the next level.

    You'll get a full 30 days to try the program out at no cost. If you decide it's not for you, it's just two easy clicks to cancel anytime. And even if you cancel, you can get the first month's worth of videos for free, just for giving it a try.

    If you decide you want to keep it, you'll keep getting the new videos each week, and you'll be automatically billed just $67/month for the coaching until you cancel. This is far less than the cost of a high-level personal trainer who knows these techniques. And I'm sure that you'll think it's a STEAL once you see for yourself the quality of training you'll be getting.


“OK, Sign Me Up To Get Six Pack Abs! But How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?”

I sell Six Pack Shortcuts to my live training clients for $297. And they consider this a bargain, because it contains over 14 hours of high quality video training from me personally. Since my training rate is $137 per hour, they’re getting the information much cheaper than if they’d paid to learn it from me live.

Not only this, but it’s also far more convenient – since you can watch the videos anytime you want, and you don’t have to abide by my schedule.

So for $297, you get access to my complete system for getting ripped six pack abs, and all the bonuses.


Although I’ve been training guys live for many years, I just launched the internet side of my business. The most important thing for me now is to establish a group of HIGHLY MOTIVATED clients who will achieve spectacular results. This is because I know that if you get six pack abs with this program, you’ll tell EVERYONE about it.

This is how I built my live training business, and this is how I want to grow Six Pack Shortcuts as well.

So for a limited time, I’m offering you the “online-only” price of just $97.

That’s over 50% off what my live clients are paying, and a steal compared to the value of the program.

But there is a catch.

In return for this low price, you have to promise to tell EVERYONE that you know about Six Pack Shortcuts once you get your abs. This way you can get a great deal, and it’s fair to me as well.

I urge you to ACT NOW, and to sign up to get six pack abs.

Gaptek (Gagap Teknologi)

Gaptek ialah singkatan dari gagap teknologi. yang dimana orang gaptek itu adalah orang yang tidak mengerti tentang teknologi contohnya :
- orang yang tidak mau memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada di zaman sekarang . yang di mana zaman sekarang ialah zaman yang sungguh modern karena teknologinya .
- orang yang selalu memanfaatkan  segala sesuatu hanya dari media massa(koran), dan tidak mau memanfaatkan tekonologi yang sudah modern di zaman sekarang .

banyak orang-orang zaman sekarang yang gaptek lho ...

padahal IPTEK (Ilmu Teknologi) itu sangatlah penting . kenapa penting ??

owh iya zaman sekarang kan kalo yang belum bisa teknoloi nyari kerja susah lho ...
makanya ... yooo kita sama-sama maju, dengan cara memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada

Mars SMKN 36 Jakarta


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Edit Foto sangat di gemari oleh semua orang, apa lagi sama anak remaja, untuk menghias atau mengedit foto mereka agar terlihat unik dan keren .
      Indahnya matahari terbenam bagaikan pemandangan yang menyejukan hati .

Pulau Tidung

                             Panorama Keindahan Laut Di Pulau Tidung .
Pencak silat atau silat adalah suatu seni bela diri yang berasal dari Asia Tenggara. Seni bela diri ini secara luas dikenal di Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, dan Singapura, Filipina selatan, dan Thailand selatan sesuai dengan penyebaran suku bangsa Melayu nusantara. Berkat peranan para pelatih asal Indonesia, saat ini Vietnam juga telah memiliki pesilat-pesilat yang tangguh.
Silat diperkirakan menyebar di kepulauan nusantara semenjak abad ke-7 masehi, akan tetapi asal mulanya belum dapat dipastikan. Asal mula ilmu bela diri di nusantara ini kemungkinan berkembang dari keterampilan suku-suku asli Indonesia dalam berburu dan berperang dengan menggunakan parang, perisai, dan tombak,[rujukan?] misalnya seperti dalam tradisi suku Nias yang hingga abad ke-20 relatif tidak tersentuh pengaruh luar.
Tradisi silat diturunkan secara lisan dan menyebar dari mulut ke mulut, diajarkan dari guru ke murid, sehingga catatan tertulis mengenai asal mula silat sulit ditemukan. Sejarah silat dikisahkan melalui legenda yang beragam dari satu daerah ke daerah lain. Legenda Minangkabau, silat (bahasa Minangkabau: silek) diciptakan oleh Datuk Suri Diraja dari Pariangan, Tanah Datar di kaki Gunung Marapi pada abad ke-11.[1] Kemudian silek dibawa dan dikembangkan oleh para perantau Minang ke seluruh Asia Tenggara. Demikian pula cerita rakyat mengenai asal mula silat aliran Cimande, yang mengisahkan seorang perempuan yang mencontoh gerakan pertarungan antara harimau dan monyet. Setiap daerah umumnya memiliki tokoh persilatan (pendekar) yang dibanggakan, misalnya Si Pitung,[rujukan?] Hang Tuah,[2] dan Gajah Mada.[rujukan?]
Peneliti silat Donald F. Draeger berpendapat bahwa bukti adanya seni bela diri bisa dilihat dari berbagai artefak senjata yang ditemukan dari masa klasik (Hindu-Budha) serta pada pahatan relief-relief yang berisikan sikap-sikap kuda-kuda silat di candi Prambanan dan Borobudur.[rujukan?] Dalam bukunya, Draeger menuliskan bahwa senjata dan seni beladiri silat adalah tak terpisahkan, bukan hanya dalam olah tubuh saja, melainkan juga pada hubungan spiritual yang terkait erat dengan kebudayaan Indonesia.[rujukan?] Sementara itu Sheikh Shamsuddin (2005)[3] berpendapat bahwa terdapat pengaruh ilmu beladiri dari Cina dan India dalam silat. Hal ini karena sejak awal kebudayaan Melayu telah mendapat pengaruh dari kebudayaan yang dibawa oleh pedagang maupun perantau dari India, Cina, dan mancanegara lainnya. Perkembangan silat secara historis mulai tercatat ketika penyebarannya banyak dipengaruhi oleh kaum penyebar agama pada abad ke-14 di nusantara. Kala itu pencak silat diajarkan bersama-sama dengan pelajaran agama di surau atau pesantren. Silat menjadi bagian dari latihan spiritual. [3] Silat lalu berkembang dari ilmu beladiri dan seni tari rakyat, menjadi bagian dari pendidikan bela negara untuk menghadapi penjajah asing.[2]
Silat saat ini telah diakui sebagai budaya suku Melayu dalam pengertian yang luas,[4] yaitu para penduduk daerah pesisir pulau Sumatera dan Semenanjung Malaka, serta berbagai kelompok etnik lainnya yang menggunakan lingua franca bahasa Melayu di berbagai daerah di Jawa, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan pulau-pulau lain-lainnya yang juga mengembangkan beladiri ini. Beberapa organisasi silat nasional antara lain adalah Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI) di Indonesia, Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) di Malaysia, Persekutuan Silat Singapore (PERSIS) di Singapura, dan Persekutuan Silat Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) di Brunei. Telah tumbuh pula puluhan perguruan-perguruan silat di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa. Silat kini telah secara resmi masuk sebagai cabang olah raga dalam pertandingan internasional, khususnya dipertandingkan dalam SEA Games.

Istilah dalam Pencak Silat

Silat Betawi memperagakan teknik melucuti golok.

Sikap dan Gerak

Pencak silat ialah sistem yang terdiri atas sikap (posisi) dan gerak-gerik (pergerakan). Ketika seorang pesilat bergerak ketika bertarung, sikap dan gerakannya berubah mengikuti perubahan posisi lawan secara berkelanjutan. Segera setelah menemukan kelemahan pertahanan lawan, maka pesilat akan mencoba mengalahkan lawan dengan suatu serangan yang cepat.


Ciri khas dari Silat adalah penggunaan langkah. Langkah ini penting di dalam permainan silat yang baik dan benar. Ada beberapa pola langkah yang dikenali, contohnya langkah tiga dan langkah empat.

Teknik atau Buah

Pencak Silat memiliki macam yang banyak dari teknik bertahan dan menyerang. Secara tradisional istilah teknik ini dapat disamakan dengan buah. Pesilat biasa menggunakan tangan, siku, lengan, kaki, lutut dan telapak kaki dalam serangan. Teknik umum termasuk tendangan, pukulan, sandungan, sapuan, mengunci, melempar, menahan, mematahkan tulang sendi, dan lain-lain.


Pesilat berlatih dengan jurus-jurus. Jurus ialah rangkaian gerakan dasar untuk tubuh bagian atas dan bawah, yang digunakan sebagai panduan untuk menguasai penggunaan tehnik-tehnik lanjutan pencak silat (buah), saat dilakukan untuk berlatih secara tunggal atau berpasangan. Penggunaan langkah, atau gerakan kecil tubuh, mengajarkan penggunaan pengaturan kaki. Saat digabungkan, itulah Dasar Pasan, atau aliran seluruh tubuh.

Aspek dan bentuk

Kesenian Randai dari Sumatra Barat memakai silek (silat) sebagai unsur tariannya.
Terdapat 4 aspek utama dalam pencak silat, yaitu:
  1. Aspek Mental Spiritual: Pencak silat membangun dan mengembangkan kepribadian dan karakter mulia seseorang. Para pendekar dan maha guru pencak silat zaman dahulu seringkali harus melewati tahapan semadi, tapa, atau aspek kebatinan lain untuk mencapai tingkat tertinggi keilmuannya.
  2. Aspek Seni Budaya: Budaya dan permainan "seni" pencak silat ialah salah satu aspek yang sangat penting. Istilah Pencak pada umumnya menggambarkan bentuk seni tarian pencak silat, dengan musik dan busana tradisional.
  3. Aspek Bela Diri: Kepercayaan dan ketekunan diri ialah sangat penting dalam menguasai ilmu bela diri dalam pencak silat. Istilah silat, cenderung menekankan pada aspek kemampuan teknis bela diri pencak silat.
  4. Aspek Olah Raga: Ini berarti bahwa aspek fisik dalam pencak silat ialah penting. Pesilat mencoba menyesuaikan pikiran dengan olah tubuh. Kompetisi ialah bagian aspek ini. Aspek olah raga meliputi pertandingan dan demonstrasi bentuk-bentuk jurus, baik untuk tunggal, ganda atau regu.
Bentuk pencak silat dan padepokannya (tempat berlatihnya) berbeda satu sama lain, sesuai dengan aspek-aspek yang ditekankan. Banyak aliran yang menemukan asalnya dari pengamatan atas perkelahian binatang liar. Silat-silat harimau dan monyet ialah contoh dari aliran-aliran tersebut. Adapula yang berpendapat bahwa aspek bela diri dan olah raga, baik fisik maupun pernapasan, adalah awal dari pengembangan silat. Aspek olah raga dan aspek bela diri inilah yang telah membuat pencak silat menjadi terkenal di Eropa.
Bagaimanapun, banyak yang berpendapat bahwa pokok-pokok dari pencak silat terhilangkan, atau dipermudah, saat pencak silat bergabung pada dunia olah raga. Oleh karena itu, sebagian praktisi silat tetap memfokuskan pada bentuk tradisional atau spiritual dari pencak silat, dan tidak mengikuti keanggotaan dan peraturan yang ditempuh oleh Persilat, sebagai organisasi pengatur pencak silat sedunia.

Tingkat kemahiran

Secara ringkas, murid silat atau pesilat dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap atau tingkat kemahiran, yaitu:
  1. Pemula, diajari semua yang tahap dasar seperti kuda-kuda,teknik tendangan, pukulan, tangkisan, elakan,tangkapan, bantingan, olah tubuh, maupun rangkaian jurus dasar perguruan dan jurus standar IPSI
  2. Menengah, ditahap ini, pesilat lebih difokuskan pada aplikasi semua gerakan dasar, pemahaman, variasi, dan disini akan mulai terlihat minat dan bakat pesilat, dan akan disalurkan kepada masing-masing cabang, misalnya Olahraga & Seni Budaya.
  3. Pelatih, hasil dari kemampuan yang matang berdasarkan pengalaman di tahap pemula, dan menengah akan membuat pesilat melangkah ke tahap selanjutnya, dimana mereka akan diberikan teknik - teknik beladiri perguruan, dimana teknik ini hanya diberikan kepada orang yang memang dipercaya, dan mampu secara teknik maupun moral, karena biasanya teknik beladiri merupakan teknik tempur yang sangat efektif dalam melumpuhkan lawan / sangat mematikan .
  4. Pendekar, merupakan pesilat yang telah diakui oleh para sesepuh perguruan, mereka akan mewarisi ilmu-ilmu rahasia tingkat tinggi.

Pencak Silat di dunia

Pesilat Vietnam memperagakan permainan golok.
Pencak Silat telah berkembang pesat selama abad ke-20 dan telah menjadi olah raga kompetisi di bawah penguasaan dan peraturan Persilat (Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antara Bangsa, atau The International Pencak Silat Federation). Pencak silat sedang dipromosikan oleh Persilat di beberapa negara di seluruh 5 benua, dengan tujuan membuat pencak silat menjadi olahraga Olimpiade. Persilat mempromosikan Pencak Silat sebagai kompetisi olah raga internasional. Hanya anggota yang diakui Persilat yang diizinkan berpartisipasi pada kompetisi internasional.
Kini, beberapa federasi pencak silat nasional Eropa bersama dengan Persilat telah mendirikan Federasi Pencak Silat Eropa. Pada 1986 Kejuaraan Dunia Pencak Silat pertama di luar Asia, mengambil tempat di Wina, Austria.
Pada tahun 2002 Pencak Silat diperkenalkan sebagai bagian program pertunjukan di Asian Games di Busan, Korea Selatan untuk pertama kalinya. Kejuaraan Dunia terakhir ialah pada 2002 mengambil tempat di Penang, Malaysia pada Desember 2002.
Selain dari upaya Persilat yang membuat pencak silat sebagai pertandingan olahraga, masih ada banyak aliran-aliran tua tradisional yang mengembangkan pencak silat dengan nama Silek dan Silat di berbagai belahan dunia. Diperkirakan ada ratusan aliran (gaya) dan ribuan perguruan.

Padepokan Pencak Silat Indonesia

Pintu Gerbang Padepokan Pencak Silat
Padepokan adalah istilah Jawa yang berarti sebuah kompleks perumahan dengan areal cukup luas yang disediakan untuk belajar dan mengajar pengetahuan dan keterampilan tertentu. Padepokan yang disediakan untuk belajar dan mengajar Pencak Silat dinamakan Padepokan Pencak Silat. Di Minangkabau, Sumatera Barat, tempat belajar silat dinamakan sasaran silek yang biasanya hampir dimiliki oleh setiap nagari pada masa dahulunya.
Padepokan Pencak Silat Indonesia (PnPSI) adalah padepokan berskala nasional dan internasional yang berlokasi di tas lahan yang luasnya sekitar 5,2 hektar di kompleks Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Luas total bangunannya sekitar 8.700 m2 dan luas total selasar-selasarnya sekitar 5.000 m2. Padepokan ini secara resmi dibuka oleh Presiden Soeharto pada tanggal 20 April 1997.
Padepokan Pencak Silat Indonesia (PnPSI) mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 5 fungsi, yakni :
  1. Sebagai pusat informasi, pendidikan, penyajian dan promosi berbagai hal yang menyangkut Pencak Silat.
  2. Sebagai pusat berbagai kegiatan yang berhubu-ngan dengan upaya pelestarian, pengembangan, penyebaran dan pening-katan citra Pencak Silat dan nilai-nilainya.
  3. Sebagai sarana untuk memperkokoh persatuan dan kesatuan masyarakat Pencak Silat Indonesia.
  4. Sebagai sarana untuk mempererat persahabatan di antara masyarakat Pencak Silat di berbagai negara.

Organisasi Pencak Silat

  • PERSILAT- Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antara Bangsa
  • IPSI - Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia
  • FP2STI - Forum Pecinta dan Pelestari Silat Tradisional Indonesia
  • PESAKA Malaysia - Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • PERSISI - Persekutuan Silat Singapore
  • EPSF - European Pencak Silat Federation
Sampai saat ini Anggota Organisasi Pencak Silat yang sudah terdaftar/tercatat di PERSILAT sebanyak 33 organisasi di seluruh dunia.


Untuk menggapai semua cita-cita yang kita inginkan itu sangatlah tidak mudah, kita harus berusaha untuk menggapai cita-cita yang kita inginkan itu. contoh wanita di samping ini, dia biasa di panggil mutia sama sahabat-sahabatnya dan temen sekolahnya. nama panjangnya adalah Mutia Nurul Fazriah . dia lahir di jakarta tanggal 21-september-1994. cita-cita dia adalah ingin menjadi model . wajah yang cantik dan menarik adalah salah satu seseorang wanita yang ingin menjadi salah satu model di majalah-majalah ternama . salah satunya dengan mutia . dia sangat menarik dan juga cantik, sesuai juga dengan cita-citanya, dia juga ingin menjadi model dan juga entertaiment .

Keberhasilan seseorang menggapai cita-citanya adalah dengan berusaha dan bekerja keras, sertai di imbangi dengan ilmu agama biar kita tidak tersesat .

sepak bola

Sejarah Sepak Bola Indonesia menjadi keinginan banyak pihak untuk dibakukan sehingga publik mendapatkan informasi yang jelas, utuh, dan ilmiah. Kalau sejarah kerajaan besar di Nusantara saja dapat teridentifikasi, tapi mengapa sepak bola Indoonesia tidak juga ada kejelasan? Sayang sampai sekarang hal ini masih menjadi misteri yang tak terungkapkan.
Untuk memaparkan dan mengungkapkan sejarah Sepak Bola Indonesia di dilakukan dengan pencarian dengan mesin pencarianpun tak kunjung mendapat sajian informasi yang memadai. Demikian juga dengan menelusurinya melalui pustaka, mulai dari took buku sampai toko buku bekas di kawasan Senin, Jakarta tak kunjung jua mendapatkan informasi penting juga.
Sempat terfikir oleh aku bahwa jangan-jangan memang belum ada satupun dokumen yang validitasnya kuat yang mengungkap Sejarah Sepak Bola Indonesia. Atau paling tidak hasil penelitian sejarah mengenai Sejarah Sepak Bola Indonesia oleh para sejarahwan, dst. Dan ketika menuliskan artikel ini saya semakin yakin akan dugaan bahwa Sejarah lahirnya Sepak Bola Indonesia memang belum ada.
Kesulitan yang pasti terjadi adalah tidak ditemukanya dokumen sejarah seperti lazimnya peninggalan purbakala yang berupa candi, tulisan di daun lontar, alat-alat, dll. Mungkin juga karena olahraga sepakbola dianggap sebagai aktifitas sosial yang kurang penting sehingga tidak terdokumentasikan dengan baik oleh nenek moyang kita. Agak berbeda dengan beberapa peninggalan sejarah Romawi dan Eropa ynag menemukan akan aktifitas sepak bola.
Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada pencarian mengenai sejarah munculnya olahraga sepak bola dimuka bumi ini yang masih juga mengundang perdebatan. Beberapa dokumen sejarah dunia menjelaskan bahwa sepak bola lahir sejak masa Romawi, sebagian lagi menjelaskan sepak bola berasal dari negeri Tiongkok, dst.
Disisi lain Bill Muray, seorang sejarahwan sepak bola, dalam bukunya The World Game: A History of Soccer, menjelaskan bahwa permainan sepak bola sudah dikenal sejak awal Masehi, masyarakat Mesir Kuno sudah mengenal teknik membawa dan menendang bola yang terbuat dari buntalan kain linen.
Menurut pendapat saya benang kusut tentang sejarah sepakbola Indonesia bisa mulai diurai dengan meneliti dokumen sejarah Indonesia yang ada di negeri Belanda. Menurut analisa saya sejarah olahraga sepakbola ini diawali oleh pendatang dari luar negeri, bukan dari Indonesia asli. Jadi beberapa kemungkinannya adalah:
  1. Para pedagang dari negeri Tiongkok sekitar abad 7 M yang mulai masuk wilayah nusantara khususnya diwilayah kerajaan Sriwijaya. Seperti diketahui permainan masyarakat Cina abad ke-2 sampai dengan ke-3 SM sudah mengenal olah raga sejenis sepak bola yang dikenal dengan sebutan “tsu chu “.
  2. Dibawa masuk ke Indonesia oleh para pedagang dari negeri Belanda, kalau mereka awal masuknya ke Indonesia sekitar tahun 1602 M maka sepakbola lahir dari perkembangan aktifitas dagang mereka di Indonesia.
Kedua kemungkinan lahirnya sejarah sepakbola diatas dapat menjadi kebenaran atau pula menjadi kesalahan, namun tidak ada yang boleh menjustifikasi kedua hal tersebut kecuali atas dasar fakta sejarah yang kuat. Disinilah letaknya urgensi dilakukanya penelusuran sejarah sepak bola nasional Indonesia.
Kita semua berharap pemerintah melalui kementrian pemuda dan olahraga dapat juga memperhatikan akan hal ini sehingga sejarah olahraga nasional tidak kehilangan obor. Beberapa seminar sejarah atau penelitian tentang hal ini mungkin sangat urgen untuk dilakukan sehingga memberikan beberapa titik awal kejelasan sejarah lahirnya sepakbola nasional.

Manusia Tertinggi

1.Robert Wadlow,8′ 11.1″

Mungkin sudah pada tahu dong dengan raksasa satu ini, kemarin dulu disiarin di salah satu televisi swasta di indonesia, Robert Wadlow adalah manusia raksasa tertinggi dalam sejarah. Dia sering disebut sebagai Alton raksasa karena ia datang dari Alton, Illinois. Pada saat kematiannya ia ditimbang 440 pon dan tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda berhenti berkembang. Dia lahir tahun 1918, tertua dari lima bersaudara. Dia meninggal pada usia 22 tahun akibat infeksi yang disebabkan oleh lecet pada ankle. Peti mati-Nya ditimbang setengah ton dan 12 pallbearers diperlukan untuk melaksanakan. Dia telah dikuburkan dalam sebuah kubah solid beton, keluarganya memiliki ketakutan bilamana tubuhnya akan Diintervensi dengan rasa ingin tahu oleh para pencari berita.

2.Johan Aason,8′ 9-1/4″

Johan dilahirkan di Amerika setelah beberapa tahun ibunya pindah dari Norwegia. Menariknya ibunya juga raksasa dengan tinggi badan 7’2 “. Menurut sertifikat kematiannya dari Mendocino Rumah Sakit, pada saat meninggal tercatat tinggi badannya 9’2 “- jika hal ini benar, maka ia adalah manusia paling tinggi didunia sepanjang sejarah. Dia dikuburkan di Montana.

3.John Rogan,8′9″

John Rogan lahir pada 1868 dan dia tumbuh normal sampai umur 13 tahun.tingginya tercatat sampai dia meninggal dunia adalah 8’9 “. Karena penyakit dia ditimbang hanya 175 pon. Dia meninggal di 1905 akibat komplikasi dari penyakit.

4.John F Carroll,8′7″

John Carroll (lahir pada 1932) dilahirkan di Buffalo, New York dan dikenal sebagai Buffalo raksasa. Meskipun banyak perawatan medis, dia tumbuh di tingkat yang sangat cepat. Dia tumbuh tujuh inci dalam beberapa bulan. Dia meninggal pada tahun 1969 dan saat itu ketinggianya tidak dicatat pada saat meninggal,namum dipercaya bahwa ia memiliki tinggi badan hampir sembilan kaki.

5.Leonid Stadnyk,8′5″

Leonid Stadnyk lahir pada tahun 1971 di Ukraina. Dia adalah ahli bedah hewan terdaftar dan tinggal bersama ibunya. Saat ini beliau tercatat sebagai manusia tertinggi menurut Guinness Book of Records. Sekelompok pebisnis ukraina menyumbangkan antene parabola dan komputer untuk Stadnyk dan sekarang ia memiliki akses Internet.

6.Al Tomaini,8′4.5″

Al Tomaini adalah seorang raksasa yang diklaim memiliki ketinggian 8’4 “(walaupun Guinness Book of Records menyatakan bahwa dia 7’4″). Beratnya 356 pon (162 kg) dan pakai sepatu ukuran 27, Al kebanyakan hidupnya sebagai sirkus raksasa. Dia bekerja dengan sirkus di Great Lakes Exposition di Chicago, pada 1936, saat itu dia bertemu wanita yang kemudian menjadi istrinya , Jeanie Tomaini. Jeanie lahir tanpa kaki dan hanya memiliki tinggi 2 kaki 6 in (76 cm). Setelah pensiun dari sirkus, ia menetap di Jeanie sirkus komunitas Giant’s Camp, Gibsonton, Florida.

7.Ella Ewing,8′4″

Ella Ewing lahir di Missouri pada tahun 1872. Dia dikenal sebagai ‘Missouri Giant’. Dia tumbuh normal sampai usia 7, yang pada waktu ia mulai tumbuh pesat.karena kurangnya catatan dia tidak terdaftar dalam Guinness Book of Records. Ia berkesempatan menampilkan sisi-aneh sampai dia meninggal pada tahun 1913 karena tuberkulosis.

8.Edouard Beaupré,8′3″

Édouard Beaupré, lahir pada 1881,manusia kuat, dan bintang di Barnum dan Baileys. Dia adalah anak tertua dari 20 bersaudara dan dilahirkan di Kanada. saat usianya sembilan tahun tingginya sudah mencapai 6 kaki. Sertifikat kematiannya menunjukkan dia memiliki tinggi badan 8’3 “dan masih berkembang. Sebagai orang kuat, maka fitur ini crouching bawah menghalangi pengangkatan dan kuda pada bahu. Dia dilaporkan mengangkat kuda seberat 900 pound. Dia meninggal di 1904 karena tuberkulosis.

9.Väinö Myllyrinne,8′3″

Myllyrinne dilahirkan di Finlandia pada 1909. Pada satu titik dia secara resmi dijuluki manusia tetinggi didunia. Pada usia 21 tingginya mencapai 7 kaki 3,5 inci, dan ditimbang 31 batu. Dia mengalami pertumbuhan lain setelah serangan yang membawanya kepada akhir ketinggian 8 kaki 3 inci. Dia meninggal pada tahun 1963.

10.Bernard Coyne,8’2″

Coyne lahir pada 1897 di Iowa, Amerika Serikat. tahun 1918 Dunia tercatat memiliki tinggi badan 8 kaki. Guinness buku catatan entri menyatakan bahwa dia menolak masuk ke perang karena dia tinggi. Pada saat kematiannya itu mungkin dia telah mencapai ketinggian 8 kaki 4 inci. Dia meninggal di 1921 karena penyakit pada hati dan masalah dgn kelenjar. Dia dimakamkan di tempat kelahirannya,peti matinya dibuat khusus ekstra besar.

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